Dec 29, 2014

Gratitude Sunday (on Monday)

Gratitude Sunday
Sunday's heart felt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful.

Here are some things I am grateful for this week:

1.  My Sweet Princess Snifflefritz turning a whole five years old, where did the time go?

2. Fun shopping trips with my girls.

3. Keeping the magic of Christmas alive, having kids that are excited by growing candy canes and presents from Santa.

4.  Getting a cute picture of my babies in the Christmas Jammies!

5. Excited kids on Christmas morning.
 6. Sweet girls who help their little brother open his Christmas presents when he got up a little later in the day.

7.  Time with friends over the holidays.

8. The fun of Christmas morning, everyone excitedly opening presents.

9. I am VERY grateful that Little Prince successfully made the transition to his big boy room.

10. A silly boy who plays so hard in his new room, he fell asleep over his supper.  

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