Oct 4, 2014

Saturday Photohunt: Entwine and Hot

The Saturday PhotoHunts for this week are: Entwine and Hot.  I immediately thought of pictures of my kids sleeping, even in the hottest days of summer, Princess Magpie insists sleeping all wrapped up in blankets usually with two or three blankets entwined together so that when she wakes up she is very hot and sweaty!

Like these two pics from a HOT june day when the two girls were sleeping with all the blankets from both beds ENTWINED together and they woke up VERY HOT!

I also thought of this pic, Princess Magpie, sick and so hot she is sleeping practically cuddling the fan with her hands entwined with her puppy

And here is a picture of the two girls sharing secrets with their arms and legs entwined, hot from being all snuggled up in such a small space.


Anonymous said...

*smile* - perfect shots for this week's theme.

Have a super weekend.

Gattina said...

Very cute pictures and nice interpretation of both themes !

peppylady (Dora) said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Twisted Cinderella said...

A comment was accidentally removed and I don't know how to get it back, I apologize for that. That's what happens when the little ones are around when I blog. LOL

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Sweet shots of those children entwined!
Happy Hunting y'all ~

bing said...

how lovely! i love the first and last pictures best!

mine is here!
