Mar 9, 2012

U/S Appointment.

For about 6 months, I posted on another blog.  This a post that was copied from that blog.  I used different names for the family.  Just so you know the names were as follows:

Prince Charming - Wandering Aengus
Princess Belle - Lilly
Princess Magpie - Rose
Princess Snifflefritz - Lotus
Little Prince - Reed

We had an U/S today. It was fun to see him again. The U/S tech had a student there and so was explaining everything to her. It meant that she was also explaining everything to me. She even went into detail to show how we can be 100% sure that in our case this is definitely a boy. The student said, “Wow, I didn’t expect it to be so clear.” So I guess I can relax and be sure that that we really are adding a boy to our not so little family of girls. He was sweet with his hands and his feet all tucked up into his face. He is still head up and butt down, so even if we weren’t planning a c-section, he would probably be one anyway.

My blood pressure has been up since I got home and my head is aching so I am trying to take it easy and bring it down if I can.

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