Feb 18, 2012

Pina Colada Oatmeal

For about 6 months, I posted on another blog.  This a post that was copied from that blog.  I used different names for the family.  Just so you know the names were as follows:

Prince Charming - Wandering Aengus
Princess Belle - Lilly
Princess Magpie - Rose
Princess Snifflefritz - Lotus
Little Prince - Reed

I decided to try a treat for breakfast this morning and I invented Pina Colada oatmeal. The kids LOVED it and it smelled heavenly.

In the rice cooker, I put:
2 cups oatmeal
4 cups water
1 packaage instant coconut pudding (vegan as far as I could tell)
1 can of pineapple chunks.
Sweeten to taste

When it was done, it smelled just like a yummy pina colada and it was a huge hit with the girls. They have been loving all the new ways I have been trying oatmeal lately.

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