Mar 2, 2011

Not So Wordless Wednesday

I have been trying to give up sugar and I have been having some massive cravings. So this morning, I invented a chocolate oatmeal with oatmeal, cocoa, sweetener, and whatever extras I feel like adding (like a few berries and some flax seed mixed in after it is cooked). It is a yummy, healthy way to feel like I am having sweets.

I organized my kitchen yesterday. I like how it looks and I like the extra counter space. Now if I could only get the rest of my family to stop piling junk on my kitchen counter, it would stay looking nice.

Today, I organized and tidied the girls bedroom. I gave them shelves to store the bigger toys with a special section set aside for their musical toys. Princess Belle was so inspired by the changes that when I left, she spent some extra time in there and prettied it up.

I also organized and tidied the living room and classroom. It really does looks much better.

I told Prince Charming that little by little I can see me coming through in our house. I love all the natural elements and all the old homestead type elements. He told me that it was a part of the reason that getting back to basics things I have been doing and all the Waldorf type natural things I have been moving towards have so inspired me. It is not that I am changing myself to be like that, it is that I am just moving things towards the way I have always felt (my words but his meaning). It really feels like the things I am trying to incorporate in our house are just outwards displays of my true self.

Now, the kids have it all untidy again, supper is on the stove, and I am completely exhausted and looking longingly at the bed, wishing I could have a little nap.

1 comment:

Julie said...

It's really hard to keep the house clean with kids running around, huh? *lol*
