Jul 24, 2010

So Sweet!

Sometimes my kids just make me smile. This morning, I was woken up early by Princess Snifflefritz. So, I fed her and then when she showed no inclination of going back to sleep, I lay her on the carpet in my room to play while I checked my email. She gurgled and smiled and played happily while I caught up on all the emails I had missed during my computer down time. Suddenly I noticed the silence in the room. There was no more gurgling, no little baby sounds. I looked over and at my feet, beside me on the floor was a little sleeping Princess. She just played herself to sleep. So sweet. (Now, if I had so much as hinted at putting her in crib, she would have yelled at me. But since she was going to sleep on her own terms, she was content. LOL)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aww, you should have laid down there right next to her and took a nap yourself!
