Feb 28, 2009

Saturday 9

Saturday 9: Liar, Liar

1. What is the last "white" lie that you told? The last time Prince Charmings family called to ask to speak to him and he wasn't up for the day yet. I lied and said that he had been up and was laying down for a nap.

2. Can you forgive a liar? It depends on what they lied about and how often they do it. It depends on whether I can trust them as a rule or not.

3. Do you tend to exaggerate or underestimate? underestimate most of the time. I hate to look like I am exaggerating or bragging.

4. Do you hold a grudge? Nope. It is near impossible for me to hold on to anger long enough to hold a grudge. It feels like work to me and it just stresses me out. I would rather just let things go and move on.

5. What's the biggest lie you've ever told? I hardly ever lie. I guess I used to lie to my parents about my attendance at church. Now I am honest and tell them I don't go. (which they hate by the way)

6. Are there times that you feel that it is okay to lie? Not really. I guess it is okay when you are lying to spare someone's feelings and there is nothing to be gained in telling the truth. Even then, I would rather lie by omission. I am really not a fan of lying.

7. Did you ever end a relationship because of lies? No.

8. Do you think you can tell when someone is lying to you? I can usually tell when someone is lying to me. Sometimes I let it go, but I can usually tell.

9. Have you been caught lying? No, I used to confess to things when I was a kid.


Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

I lied about going to church top your mother as well. :)

Mimi Lenox said...

If you are on the receiving end of a perpetual liar, then no, it is no fun. But telling white lies about someone's appearance or answering the "Do I look fat?" question less than honestly, is ok...if you're trying to spare their feelings. At least that's my humble opinion.

Anonymous said...

Now that's being honest.


Anonymous said...

I really don't like to lie either... I will try to avoid uncomfortable truths by changing the subject or staying quiet. *lol*
