Jan 24, 2009


I am feeling so grateful these days.

I look at my beautiful Princess Belle and how loving and sweet she is. I love how dedicated she is to her baby sister, I love how much she loves her puppy. I love her sense of responsibility when it comes to helping out with them. I love how loving, sweet, and tender she is.

When I look at my baby girl, Princess Mag-pie, I am supremely grateful that I get to love her. She is so squishy, cuddly, happy, and sweet. She is such a joy to have in our household. She is truly the kind of baby that makes other want to have babies. There are times when I pick her up, I hold her cheek to mine, hug her close, close my eyes and try to soak up the moment, the feeling of her little body in my arms, the scent of her hair, the weight of her head against mine. I want to imprint this on my mind, because I know just how fleeting this is and I want to remember this forever.

When I look at my husband, Prince charming. I see someone who is always supportive in whatever I do. He knows me inside and out. He makes me laugh all the time, he brings joy to my life. He is always there to slay my dragons, to fight my battles along side me. When we first met, I needed him, I leaned on him to fight for me, but as we grow together, he has taught me to slay dragons myself. Instead of standing back and letting him take care of things, we stand side by side as a team and jointly take on the world together.

I am in a place where I am in love with my family. I want to add to it, I want to have one more baby, but if something should happen and that should never happen, I will be forever grateful for the family I was blessed with.


Tasha said...

You are so blessed. Its nice to feel content.

Lisa said...

You are truly blessed with such a wonderful family. We should always be grateful for those around us, particularly our families - they are an important part of our lives. Enjoy your day.

Anonymous said...

I feel the same way about my family. :)
