Nov 14, 2008

Friday Five

  1. I am feeling a lot better about things since I seem to have gotten the house under control. I can just relax more if my house is in at least a comfortable state of chaos instead of just a disaster.
  2. I have taken to doing Princess Belle's homework with her in the mornings. She is just so much more relaxed and able to focus than she is after school. And it is fresh in her mind for when she goes to school. She gets so proud of herself when she does well. Today she was thrilled when she was writing her sentence and she knew how to spell "roof" all by herself.
  3. I have started my layouts for doing a calendar for my MIL again this year. I am having fun and I think the two pages I have done so far are pretty great. (If I do say so myself. LOL)
  4. I love taking pics of my girls. I love coaxing out a good pose and seeing my results. Each girl has her own challenges. Princess Belle makes odd faces and the biggest challenge is to get a nice smile on her face. I have taken to teasing her right before I snap the pic. Princess Mag-pie is in a constant state of motion and taking her pictures is an exercise on how to minimize blurriness.
  5. We have decided that Princess Belle needs some special "her" time so that knows that she is special too. So we are going to do two things. First of all, once a month, she will have a special "date" with Daddy. Prince Charming will take her out somewhere with just her to spend some time with her. The other thing we are going to do references back to a conversation that we had the other day. I asked her what she thought would be her favorite special day and she said, "cuddling on with daddy, drinking hot chocolate and watching movies with everyone." So we are going to be doing that more often too. I am going to aim for once a week if we can swing it.


Anonymous said...

I think it's great that you're having special time with Belle. My kids sure love it when they have one of us to themselves. :D

Anonymous said...

Please tell me how to get my house into comfortable chaos! I have been trying since my little "prince" was born and no dice! I barely get the basics done and my house looks like a junkyard lol.

This is a great blog!
