Apr 15, 2007

Sad Sunday

My best friend, Notsosnowwhite, left today to go home and Little Princess is heartbroken. She climbed into my arms with big sad tears and sobbed. I had to convince her that Notsosnowwhite was going to miss Little Princess as much as Little Princess was going to miss her. She just cried and between sobs and hickups said, "I was going to draw her a picture . . . I am going to miss her, but she won't miss me . . . . I wanted to cuddle her but she wasn't there!" I told her how Notsosnowwhite packed the picture she drew her in her bag and that she will miss her very much. Poor baby is so completely sad. I cuddled her and gave her hot chocolate and she seems to be doing better now. Sometimes this whole mommy gig is tough.


On the other hand, I feel like I am getting a handle on my food, diet and weight. I truly think that this whole mess will be turning around soon and that my body will finally agree to give up some of this weight it has been hording. Now that may be due to the fact that I have managed to see some sun in the last couple of days and that I have seen signs that spring is definitely coming which always leads me to a happier place.


I made myself some no meat "beef" and broccoli with Quinoa yesterday and it was wonderful. I love when I can experiment and come up with a yummy recipe that is easy. I am thinking of making something easy tonight like whole wheat spaghetti with meatless veggie tomato sauce. I think it will be yummy.


Fantastagirl said...

Oh, give the princess a big hug, I'm sure notsosnowwhite is missing her too!

I think you are on to something with the weight and winter blahs - now that spring is here - I'm more likely to be moving, and some of my weight should be coming off as well.

Anonymous said...

That is so sad. Give 'Lil Princess a hug from me too. I remember when Marissa missed my mom after a visit, and cried half way home on the airplane, and most of the passangers were wondering what was wrong.I'm sure Notsosnowwhite misses her just as much!
That no meat"beef", broccli and Quinoa sounds real good!

Anonymous said...

your little princess is too cute for words.

and congrats on the weight loss. that's awesome.

Cheryl said...

What you wrote was written so unique and the photos brought what you wrote more to life and it was so heartbreaking! Kudos to you for your writing skills. Good wishes on your diet. I SHOULD be with you, but I am not.

Dori said...

I see your March progress picture, great joB! Your quinoa broccoli dish sounds great. I have been eating refined starchy food almost every day now... booo, I need to quit this and get into a healthier mode.

Dori said...

oh, and Hugs to little princess, so sad that she is sad.
